Sunday, 24 October 2010

I miss taking photos

Resolution; stop wasting time doing stupid things like work and do more exciting stuff like photoing.



I have become a published music journalist and am now terribly famous. Here are my published works so far:

Chiddy Bang

‘The Good Life’

Gangster rapping Hip-hop is probably what Chiddy Bang would like listeners of their new single to think. In reality however, the ‘song’ just comes across as underwhelming wannabee trash, identical to thousands of other ‘Hip-Hop’ records that belong in someone’s fire. The only reason to listen would be to set yourself the challenge of deciphering the indiscernible lyrics chanted at irregular intervals throughout the song. “Swallaay”…… maybe?

Don’t bother


Doyle & The Fourfathers

The Governor of Giving Up

Doyle & The Fourfathers? No? If this single is anything to go by there isn’t really anything to know. Annoying vocals, beige guitars and dubious lyrics mean listening to this song is like being lost in a puddle of mediocrity. Why do it Doyle? If boring people was the goal of this single, then recording a horse chewing various varieties of hay would have sufficed.

Distinctly average at best.


White Denim

Last Day Of Summer

Is it an album? Is it not an album? Actually, it doesn’t matter because the new pre-album thing from White Denim is bloody wicked. The band describes the record as a little summer retreat from their ongoing work on their third full length LP. Summer retreat is a very apt description as the tracks have ‘summer’ scrawled all over their intricate faces. What starts out as listening to the new White Denim record turns into a beach barbeque on a summer evening in July.

Avid white denim wearers might be thinking that this doesn’t sound like their beloved jeans they normally pull on when trying to impress all the lady folk. And it can be said that these crazy Texans have taken a slightly different approach with these recordings compared to previous albums. Imagine forcing happy pills down their throats and that just about describes the vibe. Although, this daydream may have actually been reality as the newly appointed guitarist, Austin Jenkins, may have had a pocket full of the stuff the first day he walked into the studio. Whatever crazy stuff has been happening in the world of White Denim, be assured that this is still the same psychedelic rockers. Albeit slightly more insouciant and a lot less frantic. Some things always remain the same though and James Petralli’s vocals rasp over guitar wizardry that even Albus Dumbledore himself would be proud of.

This slight change in direction is very becoming for this talented band and music exudes effortlessly from their fingertips straight into welcoming ears. Anyone able to listen to this straight faced and sitting perfectly still is either deaf or impoverished in the heart department, as this surely is a feel-good record of a very high degree.

Highlights ‘I'd Have It Just The Way We Were’ and ‘Tony Fatti’ induce genuine smiling whilst closer ‘New Coat’ insures that the last day of summer is a truly enjoyable one.

‘Last Day of Summer’ is available as a free download from the band’s website. And for all those people that like actual good music, not this X-Factor bollocks, is without doubt worth the couple of minutes it’ll take to download. Even donate a couple of sheckles by clicking on the big red “Donate” button. This record makes waiting for the new full-length album very exciting.


Ok, well maybe these are only from the Leeds Student Newspaper, still bloody alright though? Should be more to come soon hopefully.